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  • Writer's pictureLissy

Circus Cheesy BBQ-Stuffed Onion Rings - Dumbo

Dumbo is - quite literally - my favourite Disney movie - even though there's hardly any food for me to recreate!!!

So, instead I've decided to make a classic circus treat into something a bit special - a bit different!

I literally didn't receive a single complaint from my notoriously picky family - we have never all agreed on a dish so unanimously (at least not in the last twenty years anyway). These onion rings are stuffed with chicken, cheese, and barbequey deliciousness - and are definitely best served warm so the insides are all melty and gooey and amazing!!!

BBQ Stuffed Onion Rings

makes: 16 onion rings (plus a few extra non-stuffed rings)


  • 100g cream cheese

  • ¼ cup BBQ sauce (I also added a splash of Tabasco sauce - just to give it a little kick)

  • 2 cups cooked, shredded chicken (the finer this is shredded, the easier it is to stuff the rings)

  • 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

  • 1 extra large onion (or 2 medium onions)

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour

  • 3 eggs, beaten

  • 1 cup bread crumbs

  • oil (for shallow frying)


  1. In a medium bowl, mix together the cream cheese, BBQ sauce, chicken and cheddar cheese. Stir until it has all evenly combined and is a relatively smooth paste.

  2. Cut the onion into large rings - about half a centimeter in thickness - removing the papery onion skin as you go. 

  3. Lay the rings flat on a tray lined with parchment paper - smaller rings inside the larger ones to create a doughnut-shape template. Stuff the chicken mix into the space between the rings - spreading it flat so it doesn't stick out above the onion rings.

  4. Cover the rings with cling film and freeze for at least four hours. Before you remove the rings, prepare the flour, eggs and breadcrumbs in three separate bowls and set up a frying pan with about one centimeter of oil at the bottom. Place it over a medium-high heat and bring out the onion rings.

  5. Coat each egg in flour, egg and then breadcrumbs, being sure to shake off the excess coating at each stage. If you would like thickly coated rings - you can egg and bread crumb your rings a second time - but this really isn't necessary for simple, delicious onion rings. Fry them quickly, about 30 seconds on each side - until golden-brown, and then place on a plate covered with paper towel to soak up the remaining oil. 

  6. You want to do this all quickly, as the rings may start to fall apart if they get too warm before being fried. 

  7. (Optional) if you have any left over onion rings (unstuffed), you can flour, egg and bread those too for some more crunchy onion rings.

  8. Serve warm and enjoy!!!

These are seriously amazing - I'll definitely be switching up the ingredients I used for the stuffing every now and then just so I can theme these for other movies (and thus get to eat them more often!)

As always, if you have an requests, feedback or just want a chat in general - feel free to contact me!

Until then, see you next time - and enjoy!


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